OpenCV with Python


這篇文章主要是介紹如何利用 Python 的 OpenCV 來做處理,內容為英文。這篇文章我已經發布在我的個人網站,因此我直接貼連結分享。內附有 Jpyternote book 程式可供下載並練習。



  1. Read, write image and viedo.
  2. The essence of the image in computer world.
  3. Different format of the image and how to convert among them.
  4. Resize and crop the image.
  5. Change the perspective of the image.
  6. Draw lines and other shapes on image.
  7. Contours detection and color filtering.
  8. Using cascade files to do the object detection. (Exclude the training part)
#OpenCV #Python #Computer Vision


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