How to install VirtualBox & Ubuntu


  1. Download Dependencies Python Core / win32api
    1. check if python is installed
    2. pip install pywin32
  2. Download and install virtual box


  1. Type
    1. .vbox
      1. Download: Ubuntu .vbox
      2. Install: Click add, and then follow the tutorial
    2. .ova
      1. Download: Ubuntu .ova
      2. Install: Click import, and then follow the tutorial
  2. Before starting the VM
    1. Change Display Adapter to VMSVGA
    2. Enable 3D Acceleration
  3. Login and change the pwd

VirtualBox Guest Additions

  1. Download dependency
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    • sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc make perl dkms linux-headers-generic
  2. Add DVD drive on Storage Tab to install Guest Addition
  3. Insert Guest Additions CD img
    • General: Device -> Insert Guest Additions CD img
    • No cd drive found
      • In UI interface
        1. Download VirtualBox Guest Additions
        2. Return to the VirtualBox administrator
        3. Settings -> Storage Device -> Add Disc
        4. Load the ISO file
      • In command mode
        • sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
  4. Install
    • General: receive a request to perform the installation
    • If not received
      • In UI interface
        1. Enter Guest Additions CD img
        2. Right, and select Run as a Program
      • In command mode
        • cd /media/username/VBox_GA_*
        • ./
  5. Check
    1. function bar -> View -> Virtual Screen
    2. If there are many preset resolutions to choose from, you're done.


Can't change Virtual Machine Settings in Virtual Box

##Ubuntu ##Linux ##VirtualBox


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