Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages, 2/e (Paperback)

Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages, 2/e (Paperback)

作者: Lubanovic Bill
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2019-12-03
ISBN-13: 9781492051367
ISBN-10: 1492051365
裝訂格式: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
總頁數: 500 頁


Easy to understand and fun to read, this updated edition of Introducing Python is ideal for beginning programmers as well as those new to the language. Author Bill Lubanovic takes you from the basics to more involved and varied topics, mixing tutorials with cookbook-style code recipes to explain concepts in Python 3. End-of-chapter exercises help you practice what you've learned.
You'll gain a strong foundation in the language, including best practices for testing, debugging, code reuse, and other development tips. This book also shows you how to use Python for applications in business, science, and the arts, using various Python tools and open source packages.


Bill Lubanovic has developed software with UNIX since 1977, GUIs since 1981, databases since 1990, and the Web since 1993. Recently, he developed core services and distributed systems with a remote team for a Manhattan startup. Currently, he's integrating OpenStack services for a supercomputer company



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