Introduction to Audio Analysis: A MATLAB Approach (Hardcover)

Introduction to Audio Analysis: A MATLAB Approach (Hardcover)

作者: Theodoros Giannakopoulos Aggelos Pikrakis
出版社: Academic Press
出版在: 2014-04-07
ISBN-13: 9780080993881
ISBN-10: 0080993885
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 288 頁


Introduction to Audio Analysis serves as a standalone introduction to audio analysis, providing theoretical background to many state-of-the-art techniques. It covers the essential theory necessary to develop audio engineering applications, but also uses programming techniques, notably MATLAB®, to take a more applied approach to the topic. Basic theory and reproducible experiments are combined to demonstrate theoretical concepts from a practical point of view and provide a solid foundation in the field of audio analysis. Audio feature extraction, audio classification, audio segmentation, and music information retrieval are all addressed in detail, along with material on basic audio processing and frequency domain representations and filtering. Throughout the text, reproducible MATLAB® examples are accompanied by theoretical descriptions, illustrating how concepts and equations can be applied to the development of audio analysis systems and components. A blend of reproducible MATLAB® code and essential theory provides enable the reader to delve into the world of audio signals and develop real-world audio applications in various domains. Practical approach to signal processing: The first book to focus on audio analysis from a signal processing perspective, demonstrating practical implementation alongside theoretical conceptsBridge the gap between theory and practice: The authors demonstrate how to apply equations to real-life code examples and resources, giving you the technical skills to develop real-world applicationsLibrary of MATLAB code: The book is accompanied by a well-documented library of MATLAB functions and reproducible experiments


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