Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
Flexible Presentation of Key Topics. Revisions have given the text a level of flexibility such that ideal op-amps (Chapter 9) can be presented as the first topic in electronics; either MOS or Bipolar transistors can be studied as the first transistor type; and digital electronics can be covered before analog electronics. This flexibility allows instructors to present topics in whatever order makes the most sense for their students.
New Problems. The fourth edition features a substantial number of new problems. This includes: over 45 percent new exercise and Test Your Understanding Problems; over 45 percent new end-of-chapter problems; and over 70 percent new open-ended design problems and computer simulation problems.
Goal-Oriented Pedagogy. A Preview section introduces each chapter and correlates with learning objectives that head each section. Worked examples reinforce the theoretical concepts being developed; all examples are followed by exercises to immediately test learning. Test Your Understanding problems are integrated at the end of each section to provide additional practice. Problem solving techniques guide students through analyzing and solving a problem.
Focus on Design in the Real World. Students are taught good design by incorporating design exercises that help students get a feel for how the design process works in the real world. Each chapter includes a Design Application that leads students through the design and development of an electronic thermometer. The various characteristics and properties of circuits are explained as the student moves through the analysis. Design Pointers appear in examples and throughout the text to help students with tricky design issues, and Design Problems are featured in most problem sets.
Computer Tools. Because computer analysis and computer-aided design are significant factors in professional electronic design, the text contains a large number of new computer simulation problems. These appear both throughout the chapter and at the end of each chapter.
Website features PowerPoint slides, an image library, the complete Instructor?s Solution Manual (password protected), data sheets, laboratory manual, COSMOS, and links to other important websites.
To purchase an electronic eBook version of this title, visit www.coursesmart.com (ISBN 0077330064), or www.vitalsource.com (ISBN 0077352017).
Part I: Semiconductor Devices and Basic Applications
Chapter 1: Semiconductor Materials and Diodes
Chapter 2: Diode Circuits
Chapter 3: The Field-Effect Transistor
Chapter 4: Basic FET Amplifiers
Chapter 5: The Bipolar Junction Transistor
Chapter 6: Basic BJT Amplifiers
Chapter 7: Frequency Response
Chapter 8: Output Stages and Power Amplifiers
Part II: Analog Electronics
Chapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp Circuits
Chapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads
Chapter 11: Differential and Multistage Amplifiers
Chapter 12: Feedback and Stability
Chapter 13: Operational Amplifier Circuits
Chapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits
Chapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits
Part III: Digital Electronics
Chapter 16: MOSFET Digital Circuits
Chapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits