Graphic Java 2, Volume 2, Swing, 3/e (Paperback)
7966G-2 Master the Java Foundation Classes with Graphic Java 2, the most complete and comprehensive guide to the AWT, Swing, and the 2D API VOLUME 2: SWING Swing gives Java application programmers world-class tools for building professional, customizable cross-platform GUIs. This comprehensive reference by former Sun engineer David Geary shows experienced programmers how to take full advantage of Swing's power. Practical explanations and robust code examples provide the resources you need to build Java applications with sophisticated graphical user interfaces. Graphic Java is the one exhaustive reference that contains everything you need to know about Swing. In depth explanations are coupled with class diagrams and code examples for all of the key components, including: Buttons and labels Progress bars and sliders Frames, windows, and dialogs Internal frames and desktop panes Color and file choosers Menus and toolbars Lists and combo boxes Text components Tables and trees You'll discover the key design considerations associated with Swing development, including Swing's object-oriented idioms and design patterns, and the pluggable look and feel architecture. You will understand how to use the Swing components, but more importantly you will have an understanding of how the components are designed and how they fit together within the Swing framework. The accompanying CD-ROM includes all of the example code from the book, ready to run on Macintosh, Solaris…œ, Windows 95, and Windows NT along with JDK…œ.