Software Engineering: Principles and Practice, 3/e
Software Engineering: Principles and Practice challenges the reader to appreciate the issues, design trade-offs and teamwork required for successful software development. This new edition has been brought fully up to date, with complete coverage of all aspects of the software lifecycle and a strong focus on all the skills needed to carry out software projects on time and within budget. Highlights of the third edition include: Fully updated chapters on requirements engineering and software architecture. New chapters on component-based software engineering, service orientation and global software development. Extensive coverage of the human and social aspects of software development. Balanced coverage of both traditional, heavyweight development and agile, lightweight development approaches such as Extreme Programming (XP). Written to support both introductory and advanced software engineering courses, this book is invaluable for everyone in software development and maintenance who wants an accessible account of the problems incurred in large-scale software development and the proposed solutions. A companion website with additional resources for students and instructors can be found at www.wileyeurope.com/college/van vliet