糟糕!這句中文,英語怎麼說:解盲中英文小百科 (附贈MP3)

糟糕!這句中文,英語怎麼說:解盲中英文小百科 (附贈MP3)

作者: 施孝昌
出版社: 哈福
出版在: 2016-05-03
ISBN-13: 9789865616601
ISBN-10: 9865616602
總頁數: 256 頁


<內容介紹>NEW TOEIC、 GEPT、學測、指考、統測、公職等各種考試皆適用。<糟糕!這句中文,英語怎麼說(附贈MP3)>
  1.這句中文,英語這樣說:提供了在同一主題下,各種英語的說法及用法,讀者可以視各種狀況加以運用。  2.速說英語會話:將基本句型及其說法,以精闢簡短的方式解說整理,讓你瞬間理解、瞬間融會貫通!  3.流利英語操在你嘴巴:將各種例句以情境對話的方式再做一次連結,加強說法的連貫,一口流利的英語就操在你嘴巴!  4.溶化記憶單字&片語:列出生活會話最常用的單字及片語,隨時隨地在對話中靈活運用,保證瞬間黏著,瞬間溶化與記憶!

  本書提供了在同一主題下,各種英語的說法及用法,讀者可以視各種狀況加以運用!  本書將基本句型及其說法,以精闢簡短的方式解說整理,讓你瞬間理解、瞬間融會貫通!  本書將各種例句,以情境對話的方式再做一次連結,加強說法的連貫!  本書列出生活會話最常用的單字及片語,隨時隨地在對話中靈活運用!
  搭配隨書附贈MP3,英語聽說實力,瞬間UP! UP!

  糟糕!英語怎麼說  85個實際情境,保您恍然大悟,聰明應對,放膽出國,行遍天下    3秒鐘速解  基本會話句型詳細解說,舉一反三,一句十用,讓您馬上理解活用
  實況會話  情境對話超連結,口、耳雙重刺激,加強聽、說靈敏度
  悅聽度100 %  高倍速學習,瞬間直達腦力記憶庫

Chapter 1 邀約Unit 01 Would you like to go see a movie tonight?你今晚要不要趣看電影?Unit 02 Sure. That would be awesome!好的,那可真棒!Unit 03 No, I can’t make it.不行,我沒辦法來。Unit 04 I’m calling to cancel my appointment for tomorrow.我打電話來要取消明天的約會Unit 05 Can we go at 8:00 instead?我們改在八點去好嗎?
Chapter 2 提供服務Unit 06 Would you like something to drink?你要喝什麼嗎?Unit 07 Can I give you a hand?你需要我幫忙嗎?Unit 08 Can I give you a lift?你要我載你嗎?Unit 09 Can I get you something to eat?你要我拿什麼東西給你吃嗎?Unit 10 Would you like to borrow the car?你要借我的車子嗎?
Chapter 3 請客Unit 11 This one’s on me.這一次我請客。Unit 12 Do you want to go to a movie?My treat.你要不要去看電影? 我請客。Unit 13 Can I buy you a drink?我請你喝一杯好嗎?Unit 14 I’ll pay for it.我請客。Unit 15 How about some ice cream? I’ll buy.要吃冰淇淋嗎?我請客。
Chapter 4 提出要求Unit 16 Do you have any magazines?你有雜誌嗎?Unit 17 I need a wake up call at 6:30.請在六點半叫醒我。Unit 18 Can I have another Coke?請再給我一杯可樂。Unit 19 Can you do me a favor?請你幫我一個忙好嗎?Unit 20 Here you go.在這裡。
Chapter 5 詢問產品資訊Unit 21 Does this microwave also have a timer?這個微波爐也有計時器嗎?Unit 22 I need to rent a car for this weekend.我這個週末需要租一部車。Unit 23 How much is a single room?一間單人房要多少錢?Unit 24 What gate does flight 630 arrive at?630號班機在哪一個機門停機?Unit 25 What time is “Titanic” showing?《鐵達尼號》幾點放映?
Chapter 6 打聽好去處Unit 26 Do you know of a good restaurant?你知道哪一家餐廳菜做得好?Unit 27 Do you know of a good hotel?你知道哪一家旅館好嗎?Unit 28 Can you recommend a doctor for me?你可以推薦一位醫生給我嗎?Unit 29 Where do you get your hair cut?你在哪裡剪頭髮?Unit 30 Where’s a good electronics store?哪裡有一家好的電器行?
Chapter 7 問路Unit 31 Where are you located?你們位於哪裡?Unit 32 How do I get to your house?到你家怎麼走?Unit 33 Is there a gas station nearby?這附近有加油站嗎?Unit 34 Where is Guitar Center?『吉他中心』在哪裡?Unit 35 What are your hours?你們營業的時間是幾點到幾點?
Chapter 8 談論事情Unit 36 How are you enjoying your new car?你喜歡你的新車嗎?Unit 37 Have you decided on the guest list yet?你的賓客名單決定好了嗎?Unit 38 Are you still trying to sell your car?你還在賣你的車子嗎?Unit 39 I need to check up on my application.我要查我申請入學的結果。Unit 40 Have you made any decisions yet?你們做決定了沒有?
Chapter 9 預訂Unit 41 I need to make a reservation.我要預訂房間。Unit 42 Can I reserve a table for two tonight?今晚我可以預訂一張兩個人的桌位嗎?.Unit 43 I need to make an appointment for this afternoon.我要約今天下午來看醫生。Unit 44 I need to schedule an interview for Thursday.我需要安排時間星期四面談。.Unit 45 I need to make a flight reservation for Friday.我需要預訂星期五的機位。
Chapter 10 安排旅遊參觀Unit 46 I would like to schedule a time to visit your school.我要安排時間到貴校參觀。Unit 47 How much is the deposit for the ski trip?滑雪團的訂金是多少?Unit 48 What time are the tours of the ballpark?到棒球場的參觀團是幾點?
Chapter 11 表達謝意Unit 49 Thanks a lot for the birthday present.謝謝你送我的生日禮物。Unit 50 Thanks for bringing me home.謝謝你載我回家。Unit 51 Thanks for the tapes.謝謝你的錄音帶。Unit 52 Thanks for loaning me five bucks.謝謝你借我五塊錢。Unit 53 Thanks for covering for me.謝謝你代我的班。
Chapter 12 稱讚別人Unit 54 I really like your jeans.我真的很喜歡那件牛仔褲。Unit 55 I like your hair.我喜歡你的髮型。Unit 56 You did awesome in your play.你表演得很好。Unit 57 You’ve got a nice car.你的車子很棒。Unit 58 Your new girlfriend is gorgeous.你的新女友很漂亮。
Chapter 13 應對訣竅Unit 59 Well...嗯⋯⋯Unit 60 Excuse me for interrupting.請原諒我打岔。Unit 61 Don’t you think so, Mary?瑪莉,你看呢?Unit 62 No, I heard that they changed it.不是的,我聽說他們改了。Unit 63 Maybe we can talk about it later tonight.或許我們可以今晚再談。
Chapter 14 check in和check out的用法Unit 64 I need to check in.我要登記住宿。Unit 65 Did you find everything OK?一切都好嗎?Unit 66 Can I check in here?我可以在這裡登記登機嗎?Unit 67 I need to check out.我要出院。Unit 68 I need to check these books out.我要借這些書。
Chapter 15 接聽電話Unit 69 This is he.我就是。Unit 70 Just a moment.請稍候。Unit 71 No, he’s not here right now.不,他不在。Unit 72 She’s on another line right now.她在另一條線上。Unit 73 There’s no one here by that name.這裡沒有這個人。
Chapter 16 生活規劃Unit 74 Are you excited about graduation?要畢業了,你很興奮嗎?Unit 75 Have you started applying for school yet?你開始申請學校了嗎?Unit 76 Where are you going for vacation?你要去哪裡度假?Unit 77 How many people are coming to theclass reunion?有多少人要來參加這次的同學會?.
Chapter 17 喜好Unit 78 What color would you want for a new car?你買新車要買什麼顏色的?Unit 79 Do you like jeans?你喜歡牛仔褲嗎?Unit 80 How do you like living in Dallas?你喜歡住在達拉斯嗎?Unit 81 What’s your favorite movie?你最喜歡哪一部電影?Unit 82 Did you like the resort you stayed at?你喜歡你住的度假中心嗎?
Chapter 18 上洗手間Unit 83 Where is the rest room?洗手間在哪裡?Unit 84 Can I use your bathroom?我可以借用你們的洗手間嗎?.Unit 85 I got to go potty.我要去上廁所。



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