100% Photoshop: Create stunning illustrations without using any photographs (Paperback)

100% Photoshop: Create stunning illustrations without using any photographs (Paperback)

作者: Steve Caplin
出版社: Focal Press
出版在: 2010-03-17
ISBN-13: 9780240814254
ISBN-10: 0240814258
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 256 頁


Just when you think you've learned all that you could ever know about working in Photoshop, digital artist and photomontage king Steve Caplin comes along with yet another masterful method for creating incredible works of art in Photoshop. This time, he'll show you how to create complete images, from start to finish, entirely within the software program. No source material, photographs, or existing files from other software packages are needed, saving you valuable time and resources. The techniques you'll learn in this ground-breaking new book will help you combine your artistic vision and skills with an understanding of how to manipulate the built-in Photoshop filters to produce impressive, eye-catching artwork. Each chapter opens with a complete double page illustration, created entirely in Photoshop. Then, carefully laid out step-by-step instructions show you how each element in the illustration is created, and how they are all combined in the end to make a convincing final image. Using Steve's proven methods for success, you'll be able to produce images that reflect a more finely crafted, hand drawn approach, whether you're an artist for your own enjoyment or a working professional looking for a leg up on the competition. The only book of its kind that does not rely on any external images whatsoever - each and every element is created directly in Photoshop A chapter covering the basics of using specific filters and textures and a chapter providing a summary of common techniques and tools will help you brush up on your general Photoshop skills so you can move through the rest of the book successfully *Be sure to visit Steve's website at www.howtocheatinphotoshop.com for even more Photoshop tips, tricks and advice


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