An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, 4/e (Paperback)

An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, 4/e (Paperback)

作者: Ian Heywood Sarah Cornelius Steve Carver
出版社: Pearson FT Press
出版在: 2012-06-18
ISBN-13: 9780273722595
ISBN-10: 027372259X
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 480 頁


Part 1  Fundamentals of GIS

1  What is GIS?
2  Spatial data
3  Spatial data modelling
4  Database management
5  Data input and editing
6  Data analysis
7  Analytical modelling in GIS
8  Output: from new maps to enhanced decisions

Part 2  Issues in GIS

9  The development of computer methods for handling spatial data
10  Data quality issues
11  Human and organizational issues
12  GIS project design and management
13  The Future of GIS


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