Effective Software Testing: A Developer's Guide
Go beyond basic testing! Great software testing makes the entire development process more efficient, from understanding your code before you write it to catching bugs in tricky corner cases. Effective Software Testing is a hands-on guide to creating high quality tests, from your first line of code through pre-delivery checks. It's full of techniques drawn from proven research in software engineering. You'll learn to efficiently engineer tests specifically for your software and end reliance on generic testing practices that may be right for every project. Effective Software Testing teaches you a systematic approach to software testing. You'll master easy-to-apply techniques to create strong test suites that are specifically engineered for your code. Following real-world use cases and detailed code samples, you'll soon be engineering tests that find the bugs hiding in edge cases and the parts of code you would never think of testing! Along the way, you'll develop an intuition for testing that can save years of learning by trial and error. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Dr. Maurício Aniche leads the Tech Academy of Adyen, and is also an Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He researches on how to make developers more productive during testing and maintenance and his teaching efforts in software testing have awarded him the Teacher of Year 2021 award and the TU Delft Education Fellowship. Maurício holds MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He also co-founded Alura, one of the most popular e-learning platforms for software engineers in Brazil.