Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data (Hardcover)

Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data (Hardcover)

作者: EMC Education Services
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2015-01-27
ISBN-13: 9781118876138
ISBN-10: 111887613X
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 432 頁


Data Science and Big Data Analytics is about harnessing the power of data for new insights. The book covers the breadth of activities and methods and tools that Data Scientists use. The content focuses on concepts, principles and practical applications that are applicable to any industry and technology environment, and the learning is supported and explained with examples that you can replicate using open-source software. This book will help you: Become a contributor on a data science team Deploy a structured lifecycle approach to data analytics problems Apply appropriate analytic techniques and tools to analyzing big data Learn how to tell a compelling story with data to drive business action Prepare for EMC Proven Professional Data Science Certification


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