HTML5 Canvas, 2/e (Paperback)

HTML5 Canvas, 2/e (Paperback)

作者: Steve Fulton Jeff Fulton
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2013-05-14
ISBN-13: 9781449334987
ISBN-10: 1449334989
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 750 頁


Flash is fading fast as Canvas continues to climb. The second edition of this popular book gets you started with HTML5 Canvas by showing you how to build interactive multimedia applications. You’ll learn how to draw, render text, manipulate images, and create animation—all in the course of building an interactive web game throughout the book.
Updated for the latest implementations of Canvas and related HTML5 technologies, this edition includes clear and reusable code examples to help you quickly pick up the basics—whether you currently use Flash, Silverlight, or just HTML and JavaScript. Discover why HTML5 is the future of innovative web development.

Create and modify 2D drawings, text, and bitmap images
Use algorithms for math-based movement and physics interactions
Incorporate and manipulate video, and add audio
Build a basic framework for creating a variety of games
Use bitmaps and tile sheets to develop animated game graphics
Go mobile: build web apps and then modify them for iOS devices
Explore ways to use Canvas for 3D and multiplayer game applications


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