Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java, 3/e (IE-Paperback)
A comprehensive upgrade to the latest version of UML and OCL. All diagrams were checked and revised to take advantage of the latest development in UML. Chapters on System Design and Object Design now include new material on component diagrams and modeling of services.
Material on agile methods. The chapter on "Configuration Management" describes continuous integration; the chapter on "Project Management" covers Scrum; the chapter on "Methodologies" contrasts agile methodologies--such as XP, Scrum, and Rugby--with traditional methodologies based on the Unified process.
Material on U2TP. The chapter on "Testing" includes new material on modeling the test system, test automation, and the UML2 Testing Profile.
UPDATED. Examples. The examples in the new edition are updated and improved based on feedback from many readers and students.<章節目錄>PART I Getting StartedChapter 1 Introduction to Software Engineering Chapter 2 Modeling with UMLChapter 3 Project Organization and CommunicationPART II Dealing with ComplexityChapter 4 Requirements ElicitationChapter 5 AnalysisChapter 6 System Design: Decomposing the SystemChapter 7 System Design: Addressing Design GoalsChapter 8 Object Design: Reusing Pattern SolutionsChapter 9 Object Design: Specifying InterfacesChapter 10 Mapping Models to CodeChapter 11 Testing PART III Managing ChangeChapter 12 Rationale ManagementChapter 13 Configuration ManagementChapter 14 Project ManagementChapter 15 Software Life CycleChapter 16 Methodologies: Putting It All Together