Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs

Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs

作者: Mark Jason Dominus
出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
出版在: 2005-03-14
ISBN-13: 9781558607019
ISBN-10: 1558607013
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 600 頁



"Higher-Order Perl is the most exciting, most clearly-written, most
comprehensive, and most forward-looking programming book I've read in at least
ten years. It's your map to the future of programming in any
language."—Sean M. Burke, Leading Programmer, Comprehensive Perl Archive
Network (CPAN) Most Perl programmers were originally trained as C and Unix
programmers, so the Perl programs that they write bear a strong resemblance to
C programs. However, Perl incorporates many features that have their roots in
other languages such as Lisp. These advanced features are not well understood
and are rarely used by most Perl programmers, but they are very powerful. They
can automate tasks in everyday programming that are difficult to solve in any
other way. One of the most powerful of these techniques is writing functions
that manufacture or modify other functions. For example, instead of writing
ten similar functions, a programmer can write a general pattern or framework
that can then create the functions as needed according to the pattern. For
several years Mark Jason Dominus has worked to apply functional programming
techniques to Perl. Now Mark brings these flexible programming methods that he
has successfully taught in numerous tutorials and training sessions to a wider
Table of

  1. Recursion and Callbacks1.1 Decimal to Binary
    Conversion1.2 Factorial1.2.1 Why Private Variables are
    Important1.3 The Tower of Hanoi1.4 Hierarchical Data1.5
    Applications and Variations of Directory Walking1.6 Functional vs.
    Object-Oriented Programming1.7 HTML1.7.1 More Flexible
    Selection1.8 When Recursion Blows Up1.8.1 Fibonacci Numbers1.8.2
    Partitioning2. Dispatch Tables2.1 Configuration File
    Handling2.1.1 Table-driven configuration2.1.2 Advantages of Dispatch
    Tables2.1.3 Dispatch Table Strategies2.1.4 Default Actions2.2
    Calculator2.2.1 HTML Processing Revisited3. Caching and
    Memoization3.1 Caching Fixes Recursion3.2 Inline Caching3.2.1
    Static Variables3.3 Good Ideas3.4 Memoization3.5 The Memoize
    Module3.5.1 Scope and Duration3.5.1.1 Scope3.5.1.2
    Duration3.5.2 Lexical Closure3.5.3 Memoization Again3.6
    Caveats3.6.1 Functions whose Return Values do not Depend on their
    Arguments3.6.2 Functions with Side Effects3.6.3 Functions that Return
    References3.6.4 A Memoized Clock?3.4.5 Very Fast Functions3.7 Key
    Generation3.7.1 More Applications of User-Supplied Key Generators3.7.2
    Inlined Cache Manager with Argument Normalizer3.7.3 Functions with
    Reference Arguments3.7.4 Partioning3.7.5 Custom Key Generation for
    Impure Functions7.8 Caching in Object Methods3.8.1 Memoization of
    Object Methods3.9 Persistent Caches3.10 Alternatives to
    Memoization3.11 Evangelism3.12 The Benefits of Speed3.12.1
    Profiling and Performance Analysis3.12.2 Automatic Profiling3.12.3
    Hooks4. Iterators4.1 Introduction4.1.1 Filehandles are
    Iterators4.1.2 Iterators are Objects4.1.3 Other Common Examples of
    Iterators4.2 Homemade Iterators4.2.1 A Trivial Iterator: upto() Syntactic Sugar for
    Manufacturing Iterators4.2.2 dir_walk()4.2.3 On Clever
    Inspirations4.3 Examples4.3.1 Permutations4.3.2 Genomic Sequence
    Generator4.3.3 Filehandle Iterators4.3.4 A Flat-File
    Database4.3.4.1 Improved Database4.3.5 Searching Databases
    Backwards4.3.5.1 A Query Package that Transforms Iterators4.3.5.2 An
    Iterator that Reads Files Backwards4.3.5.3 Putting it Together4.3.6
    Random Number Generation4.4 Filters and Transforms4.4.1 imap()4.4.2 igrep()4.4.3 list_iterator()4.4.4 append()4.5 The Semipredicate
    Problem4.5.1 Avoiding the Problem4.5.2 Alternative undefs4.5.3 Rewriting Utilities4.5.4
    Iterators that Return Mulitple Values4.5.5 Explicit Exhaustion
    Function4.5.6 Four-Operation Iterators4.5.7 Iterator Methods4.6
    Alternative Interfaces to Iterators4.6.1 Using foreach to Loop over more than one
    Array4.6.2 An Iterator with an each-like Interface4.6.3 Tied Variable
    Interfaces4.6.3.1 Summary of tie4.6.3.2 Tied Scalars4.6.3.3 Tied
    Filehandle4.7 An Extended Example: Web Spiders4.7.1 Pursuing only
    Interesting Links4.7.2 Referring URLs4.7.3 robots.txt4.7.4 Summary5. From
    Recursion to Iterators5.1 The Partition Problem Revisited5.1.1
    Finding All Possible Partions5.1.2 Optimizations5.1.3
    Variations5.2 How to Convert a Recursive Function to an Iterator5.3 A
    Generic Search Iterator5.4 Other General Techniques for Eliminating
    Recursion5.4.1 Tail Call Elimination5.4.1.1 Someone Else's
    Problem5.4.1.2 Creating Tail Calls5.4.1.3 Explicit Stacks5.
    Eliminating Recursion from fib()6. Infinite
    Streams6.1 Linked Lists6.2 Lazy Linked Lists6.2.1 A Trivial
    Stream: upto()6.2.2 Utilities for
    Streams6.3 Recursive Streams6.3.1 Memoizing Streams6.4 The Hamming
    Problem6.5 Regex String Generation6.5.1 Generating Strings in
    Order6.5.2 Regex Matching6.5.3 Cutsorting6.5.3.1 Log Files6.6
    The Newton-Raphson Method6.6.1 Approximation Streams6.6.2
    Derivatives6.6.3 The Tortoise and the Hare6.6.4 Finance6.7 Power
    Series6.7.1 Derivatives6.7.2 Other Functions6.7.3 Symbolic
    Computation7. Higher-Order Functions and Currying7.1
    Currying7.2 Common Higher-Order Functions7.2.1 Automatic
    Currying7.2.2 Prototypes7.2.2.1 Prototype Problems7.2.3 More
    Currying7.2.4 Yet More Currying7.3 reduce() and combine()7.3.1 Boolean Operators7.4
    Databases7.4.1 Operator Overloading8. Parsing8.1
    Lexers8.1.1 Emulating the <>
    operator8.1.2 Lexers More Generally8.1.3 Chained Lexers8.1.4
    Peeking8.2 Parsing in General8.2.1 Grammars8.2.2 Parsing
    Grammars8.3 Recursive Descent Parsers8.3.1 Very Simple
    Parsers8.3.2 Parser Operators8.3.3 Compound Operators8.4
    Arithmetic Expressions8.4.1 A Calculator8.4.2 Left Recursion8.4.3
    A Variation on star()8.4.4 Generic
    Operator Parsers8.4.5 Debugging8.4.6 The Finished Calculator8.4.7
    Error Diagnosis and Recovery8.4.7.1 Error Recovery Parsers8.4.7.2
    Exceptions8.4.8 Big Numbers8.5 Parsing Regexes8.6 Outlines8.7
    Databases Query Parsing8.7.1 The Lexer8.7.2 The Parser8.8
    Backtracking Parsers8.8.1 Continuations8.8.2 Parse Streams8.9
    Overloading9. Declarative Programming9.1 Constraint
    Systems9.2 Local Propagation Networks9.2.1 Implementing a Local
    Propagation Network9.2.2 Problems with Local Propagation9.3 Linear
    Equations9.4 linogram: a drawing
    system9.4.1 Equations9.4.1.1 ref($base) || $base9.4.1.2 Solving
    Equations9.4.1.3 Constraints9.4.2 Values9.4.2.1 Constant
    Values9.4.2.2 Tuple Values9.4.2.3 Feature Values9.4.2.4 Intrinsic
    Constraints9.4.2.5 Synthetic Constraints9.4.2.6 Feature Value
    Methods9.4.3 Feature Types9.4.3.1 Scalar Types9.4.3.2 Type methods9.4.4 The Parser9.4.4.1
    Parser Extensions9.4.4.2 %TYPES9.4.4.3 Programs9.4.4.4
    Definitions9.4.4.5 Declarations9.4.4.6 Expressions9.4.5 Missing
    Features9.5 Conclusion


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