Rails: Novice to Ninja 3/e

Rails: Novice to Ninja 3/e

作者: Glenn Goodrich Patrick Lenz
出版社: Sitepoint
出版在: 2016-11-15
ISBN-13: 9780994347008
ISBN-10: 0994347006
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 542 頁


Rails: Novice to Ninja is an easy-to-follow, practical and fun guide to Ruby on Rails for beginners. It covers all you need to get up and running, from installing Ruby, Rails and SQLite to building and deploying a fully-featured web application. The third edition of this book has been fully updated to cover Rails 5, the latest version of the framework. Unlike other Rails books, this book doesn't assume that you are an experienced web developer, or that you've used Ruby before. An entire chapter is devoted to learning Ruby in a fun way, using the interactive Ruby console, so you can follow along at home. You'll be an accomplished Ruby programmer in no time! You'll then start using Rails to build a practical, working project: a Reddit-like social news application. As you'll build the app, you'll gain valuable experience of using Rails features such as user authentication, session cookies, and automated testing. The book finishes with chapters on debugging, benchmarking and deployment to a live web server.


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