Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2/e (IE-Paperback)

Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2/e (IE-Paperback)

作者: Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E. Woods Steven L. Eddins
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
出版在: 2010-09-30
ISBN-13: 9780071084789
ISBN-10: 0071084789
總頁數: 740 頁


Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
(DIPUM) is the first book to offer a balanced treatment of image
processing fundamentals and the software principles used in their
implementation.  The book integrates material from the leading text,
Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods, and the Image Processing
Toolbox from The MathWorks, Inc., a leader in scientific computing.  The
Image Processing Toolbox provides a stable, well-supported software environment
for addressing a broad range of applications in digital image processing. 
A unique feature of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB is its emphasis
on showing how to enhance those tools by developing new code.  This is
important in image processing, an area that normally requires extensive
experimental work in order to arrive at acceptable application

This new edition is an extensive upgrade of the

The mathematical notation is compatible with the
book Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods.

The book is self-contained and written in
textbook format, not as a manual.

Nearly 120 new MATLAB image processing functions
are developed—a 40 % increase over existing functions in the Image
Processing Toolbox.

Algorithms and MATLAB functions in the
mainstream of digital image processing are discussed and implemented,
including: Intensity transformations; spatial filtering; fuzzy image
processing; filtering in the frequency domain; image restoration and
reconstruction; geometric transformations and image registration; color image
processing; wavelets; image and video compression; morphology; image
segmentation; image representation and description; and object recognition.

In addition to a major revision of the topics
from the first edition, features in this edition include new coverage of: The
Radon transform; image processing functions based on function-generating
functions (function factories); geometric transformations; image registration;
color profiles and device-independent color conversions; functions for video
compression; adaptive thresholding algorithms; new image features, including
minimum-perimeter polygons and local (corner) features.

All new functions are documented and listed in
the book.

Using C code with MATLAB is covered in detail.

The design of graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
is covered in detail.

All functions listed in the book are
conveniently summarized in an appendix.

All functions developed in the book are
available for download in p-code format, free of charge with purchase of a new



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