Digital Image Processing and Analysis with MATLAB and CVIPtools, Third Edition

Digital Image Processing and Analysis with MATLAB and CVIPtools, Third Edition

作者: Scott E Umbaugh
出版社: CRC Press
出版在: 2017-12-22
ISBN-13: 9781498766029
ISBN-10: 1498766021
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 897 頁


Digital image processing and analysis is a field that continues to experience rapid growth, with applications in many facets of our lives. Areas such as medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, communication systems, and space exploration are just a few of the application areas. This book takes an engineering approach to image processing and analysis, including more examples and images throughout the text than the previous edition. It provides more material for illustrating the concepts, along with new PowerPoint slides. The application development has been expanded and updated, and the related chapter provides step-by-step tutorial examples for this type of development. The new edition also includes supplementary exercises, as well as MATLAB-based exercises, to aid both the reader and student in development of their skills.



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