Resilience and Reliability on AWS (Paperback)
Cloud services are just as susceptible to network outages as any other platform. This concise book shows you how to prepare for potentially devastating interruptions by building your own resilient and reliable applications in the public cloud. Guided by engineers from 9apps—an independent provider of Amazon Web Services and Eucalyptus cloud solutions—you’ll learn how to combine AWS with open source tools such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis.
This isn’t a book on theory. With detailed examples, sample scripts, and solid advice, software engineers with operations experience will learn specific techniques that 9apps routinely uses in its cloud infrastructures.
Build cloud applications with the "rip, mix, and burn" approach
Get a crash course on Amazon Web Services
Learn the top ten tips for surviving outages in the cloud
Use elasticsearch to build a dependable NoSQL data store
Combine AWS and PostgreSQL to build an RDBMS that scales well
Create a highly available document database with MongoDB Replica Set and SimpleDB
Augment Redis with AWS to provide backup/restore, failover, and monitoring capabilities
Work with CloudFront and Route 53 to safeguard global content delivery