Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery (Paperback)

Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery (Paperback)

作者: Richard York
出版社: Wrox Press
出版在: 2009-05-05
ISBN-13: 9780470227794
ISBN-10: 0470227796
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 560 頁


jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps web developers create JavaScript applications that work well in any browser. This book demonstrates how to use jQuery to reduce the amount of code you need to write and reduce the amount of testing that is required. You?ll see how separation of presentation (CSS), markup (XHTML), and script (JavaScript and Ajax) in web pages is a crucial direction in web development for creating maintainable, accessible, cost-effective web sites. The featured full-color code syntax highlighting provides you with a visual reinforcement so you can see the various pieces and parts that make up each line and section of code for each language.


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