Practical Cloud Security

Practical Cloud Security

作者: Chris Dotson
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2019-04-09
ISBN-13: 9781492037514
ISBN-10: 1492037516
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 196 頁


With the fast, competitive evolution of new cloud services, particularly those related to security, cloud deployment is now definitively as secure as on-premises servers, and probably even more secure. This practical book surveys current security challenges and shows security professionals, IT architects, and developers how to meet them while deploying systems to popular cloud services.
You’ll find up-to-date, cloud-specific security guidance for popular cloud platforms in the areas of cloud and data asset management, identity and access management, vulnerability management, network security, and incident response. Author Chris Dotson offers practical cloud security best practices for multi-vendor cloud environments whether you’re just starting to design your cloud environment or have legacy projects to secure.


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