UML 2 Certification Guide: Fundamental & Intermediate Exams (Paperback)
The popular Unified Modeling Language (UML) is both a language and notation
developed by the Object Management Group (OMG) used to design and create
specifications for software systems. With the recent release of version 2.0
UML, the OMG has started the OMG-Certified UML Professional Program to provide
an objective measure of UML knowledge. As a certified UML professional a
developer has an important credential to present to employers and clients.
Certification also benefits companies looking for skilled UML practitioners by
giving them a basis for making hiring and promotion decisions.
UML 2 Certification Guide is the only official study guide to passing the
new UML exams. This book systematically covers all of the topics covered in
the exams, and has been carefully reviewed by the OMG. The book begins by
assuming only a basic knowledge of UML and then progresses far enough to allow
a reader to pass both the fundamental and the intermediate level exams. Along
the way the book also covers topics that are not in introductory books on UML
but that are necessary to pass the exams. Tim Weilkiens is considered one of
the top ten experts on UML, and both authors have extensive experience
training developers to successfully take the exams.
Table of
Foreword by Richard Soley; Foreword by Ivar Jacobson; 1 Introduction; 2
Fundamental; 3 Intermediate; Glossary; Sample Exams; Answers;