Android Development with Flash: Your visual blueprint for developing mobile apps (Paperback)

Android Development with Flash: Your visual blueprint for developing mobile apps (Paperback)

作者: Julian Dolce
出版社: Hungry Minds
出版在: 2010-10-12
ISBN-13: 9780470904329
ISBN-10: 0470904321
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 354 頁


The visual guide to developing for one of the world’s hottest new mobile platforms, the Android OS The Android operating system works on phones that combine a camera, Web browser, e-mail, GPS, and mapping tool into a single accessible pocket-sized unit, and can function on computers, as well. Aimed at visual learners and packed with hundreds of screen shots, this guide brings Flash developers up to speed on the necessary factors to take into account when developing for this touch-based, mobile platform. Experienced Flash developer Julian Dolce escorts you through the process of creating applications for the Android OS using the Flash CS5 development platform and informs you of best practices to try as well as common pitfalls to avoid. Guides you step by step through the process of creating applications for the Android OS using Flash CS5 Explores the capabilities and limitations of developing apps for the Android OS Points out common pitfalls and teaches you best practices Features hundreds of screen shots to assist with visual learning Android Development with Flash: Your visual blueprint for developing mobile apps gets you on your way to developing apps for Android… in a flash!


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