Mobile App Development with Ionic 2: Cross-Platform Apps with Ionic 2, Angular 2, and Cordova (Paperback)

Mobile App Development with Ionic 2: Cross-Platform Apps with Ionic 2, Angular 2, and Cordova (Paperback)

作者: Chris Griffith
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2017-04-28
ISBN-13: 9781491937785
ISBN-10: 1491937785
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 294 頁


Looking to build cross platform mobile applications? This hands-on guide provides a basic introduction and overview to the Ionic Framework, including some new services on the platform. You’ll learn a balanced approach to the mix of technologies—such as AngularJS, SASS, and Apache Cordova—that the Ionic Framework leverages. Through the course of this book, you’ll be able to complete several production ready applications. It's ideal for beginning, intermediate, and advanced web developers.



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