Software Security Technologies (Paperback)
Practical examples and case studies abound, providing precise code
examples for how security features can be implemented
Review Questions at the end of each chapter encourage readers to
summarize and test their knowledge before moving on to the next topic area
Detailed discussion of security features in Java, C++/C and Perl
demonstrate, in very specific terms, how authentication, authorization,
encryption, hashing, and more, are implemented in various languages
Other coverage includes identity management, email security, mobile
security, database security, operating system security, and network
security, making this a well-rounded and comprehensive resource
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Introduction to Security ConceptsChapter 2: Software Engineering and
SecurityChapter 3: Essential PKIChapter 4: Trust and Threat
ModelChapter 5: Java Programming SecurityChapter 6: Java API-Level
Security FeaturesChapter 7: Authentication and Authorization with
JavaChapter 8: Secure Programming with C and OpenSSLChapter 9: Secure
Programming with PerlChapter 10: Identity ManagementChapter 11:
Security Topics