Data Structures, Algorithms, And Applications In Java, 2/e (Paperback)
Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in Java (2/E) is the new version of the very popular first edition. It provides a comprehensive coverage of fundamental data structures, making it ideal for use in a CS2 course. The author, Professor Sartaj Sahni has made the book very user friendly by starting with a gentle introduction, providing intuitive discussions, and including real-world applications.
Real-world applications are a unique feature of this text. Dr. Sahni provides several applications for each data structure and algorithm design method discussed, taking examples from topics such as sorting, compression and coding, and image processing. These applications motivate and interest students by connecting concepts with their use. Dr. Sahni does an excellent job of balancing theoretical and practical information, resulting in learned concepts and interested students.
The market-developed pedagogy in this book reinforces concepts and gives students plenty of practice. There are almost 1,000 exercises, including comprehension and simple programming problems, and projects. Additionally, the book has an associated Web site that contains all the programs in the book, animations, sample data, generated output, solutions to selected exercises, and sample tests with answers.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Java Review
Chapter 2 Performance Analysis of Programs
Chapter 3 Asymptotic Notation
Chapter 4 Performance Measurement of Programs
Chapter 5 Linear Lists - Array Representation
Chapter 6 Linear Lists - Linked Representation
Chapter 7 Linear Lists - Simulated Pointers
Chapter 8 Arrays and Matrices
Chapter 9 Stacks
Chapter 10 Queues
Chapter 11 Skip Lists and Hashing
Chapter 12 Binary and Other Trees
Chapter 13 Priority Queues
Chapter 14 Tournament Trees
Chapter 15 Binary Search Trees
Chapter 16 Balanced Search Trees
Chapter 17 Graphs
Chapter 18 The Greedy Method
Chapter 19 Divide and Conquer
Chapter 20 Dynamic Programming
Chapter 21 Backtracking (On the Web)
Chapter 22 Branch and Bound (On the Web)