Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design (Paperback)
Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design is intended as a core text in electronics for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering students. The purpose of the fourth edition of the book is to continues to provide a foundation for analyzing and designing both analog and digital electronic circuits. A goal is to make this book very readable and student friendly.
Most electronic circuit design today involves integrated circuits (ICs), in which the entire circuit is fabricated on a single piece of semiconductor material. The IC can contain millions of semiconductor devices and other elements and can perform complex functions. The microprocessor is a classic example of such a circuit. The ultimate goal of this text is to clearly present the operation, characteristics, and limitations of the basic circuits that form these complex integrated circuits. Although most engineers will use existing ICs in specialized design applications, they must be aware of the fundamental circuit's characteristics in order to understand the operation and limitations of the IC.
Initially, discrete transistor circuits are analyzed and designed. The complexity of circuits being studied increases throughout the text so that, eventually, the reader should be able to analyze and design the basic elements of integrated circuits, such as linear amplifiers and digital logic ga
Part 1. Chapter 1 introduces the semiconductor material and junction, which leads to diode circuits and applications given in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 covers the field-effect transistor, with strong emphasis on the metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET), and Chapter 4 presents basic FET linear amplifiers. Chapter 5 discusses the bipolar junction transistor, with basic bipolar linear amplifier applications given in Chapter 6.
The frequency response of transistors and transistor circuits is covered in a separate Chapter 7. The emphasis in Chapters 3 through 6 was on the analysis and design techniques. so mixing the two transistor types within a given chapter would introduce unnecessary confusion. However, starting with Chapter 7, both MOSFET circuits and bipolar circuits are discussed within the same chapter. Finally, Chapter 8, covering output stages and power amplifiers, completes Part 1 of the text.
Part 2. Chapters 9 through 15 are included in Part 2, which addresses more advanced analog electronics. In this portion of the text, the emphasis is placed on the operational amplifier and on circuits that form the basic building blocks of integrated circuits (ICs). The ideal operational amplifier and ideal op-amp circuits are covered in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 presents constant-current source biasing circuits and introduces the active load, both of which are used extensively in ICs. The differential amplifier, the heart of the op-amp, is discussed in Chapter 11, and feedback is considered in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 presents the analysis and design of various circuits that form operational amplifiers. Nonideal effects in analog ICs are addressed in Chapter 14, and applications, such as active filters and oscillators, are covered in Chapter 15.
Addition of over 250 new Exercise and Test Your Understanding Problems.
Addition of over 580 new end-of-chapter problems.
Addition of over 50 new open-ended Design Problems in the end-of-chapter problems sections.
Voltage levels in circuits were updated to more closely match modern day electronics.
MOSFET device parameters were updated to more closely match modern day electronics.
Chapter 9 was rewritten such that ideal op-amp circuits can be studied as a first topic in electronics.
Maintained the mathematical rigor necessary to more clearly understand basic circuit operation and characteristics.
A short introduction at the beginning of each chapter links the new chapter to the material presented in previous chapters. The objectives of the Chapter, i.e., what the reader should gain from the chapter, are presented in the Preview section and are listed in bullet form for easy reference.
Each major section of a chapter begins with a restatement of the objective for this portion of the chapter.
An extensive number of worked examples are used throughout the text to reinforce the theoretical concepts being developed. These examples contain all the details of the analysis or design, so the reader does not have to fill in missing steps.
An Exercise Problem follows each example. The exercise problem is very similar to the worked example so that readers can immediately test their understanding of the material just covered. Answers are given for each exercise problem so readers do not have to search for an answer at the end of the book. These exercise problems will reinforce readers' grasp of the material before they move on to the next section.
Test Your Understanding exercise problems are included at the end of most major sections of the chapter. These exercise problems are, in general, more comprehensive that those presented at the end of an example. These problems will also reinforce readers' grasp of the material before they move on to the next section. Answers to these exercise problems are also given.
Problem Solving Techniques are given throughout each chapter to assist the reader in analyzing circuits. Although there can be more than one method of solving a problem, these Problem Solving Techniques are intended to help the reader get started in the analysis of a circuit.
A Summary section follows the text of each chapter. This section summarizes the overall results derived in the chapter and reviews the basic concepts developed. The Summary section is written in bullet form for easy reference.
A Checkpoint section follows the Summary section. This section states the goals that should have been met and states the abilities the reader should have gained. The Checkpoints will help assess progress before moving to the next chapter.
A list of review questions is included at the end of each chapter. These questions serve as a self-test to help the reader determine how well the concepts developed in the chapter have been mastered.
A large number of problems are given at the end of each chapter, organized according to the subject of each section. Many new problems have been incorporated into the fourth edition.
Chapter 1 Semiconductor Materials and Diodes
Chapter 2 Diode Circuits
Chapter 3 The Field-Effect Transistor
Chapter 4 Basic FET Amplifiers
Chapter 5 The Bipolar Junction Transistor
Chapter 6 Basic BJT Amplifiers
Chapter 7 Frequency Response
Chapter 8 Output Stages and Power Amplifiers
Chapter 9 Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp Circuits
Chapter 10 Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads
Chapter 11 Differential and Multistage Amplifiers
Chapter 12 Feedback and Stability
Chapter 13 Operational Amplifier Circuits
Chapter 14 Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits
Chapter 15 Applications and Design of Integrated Circuits