ActionScript Developer's Guide to PureMVC (Paperback)
Gain hands-on experience with PureMVC, the popular open source framework for developing maintainable applications with a Model-View-Controller architecture. In this concise guide, PureMVC creator Cliff Hall teaches the fundamentals of PureMVC development by walking you through the construction of a complete non-trivial Adobe AIR application. Through clear explanations and numerous ActionScript code examples, you’ll learn best practices for using the framework’s classes in your day-to-day work. Discover how PureMVC enables you to focus on the purpose and scope of your application, while the framework takes care of the plumbing in a maintainable and portable way.Get a detailed overview of the PureMVC process for developing your application Model the domain by designing the schema and creating framework-agnostic value objects Implement framework-agnostic View components that expose an API of events and properties Use the Proxy pattern to keep track of value objects and hide service interaction Facilitate two-way communication between a View component and the rest of the application Stitch the Model and View tiers together with command objects in the Controller Manage problematic View component life cycles, and learn how to reuse the Model tier