Introduction to Modern Cryptography, 3/e(美國原版)
Now the most used texbook for introductory cryptography courses in both mathematics and computer science, the Third Edition builds upon previous editions by offering several new sections, topics, and exercises. The authors introduce the core principles of modern cryptography, with an emphasis on formal definitions, clear assumptions, and rigorous proofs of security. The book begins by focusing on private-key cryptography. The second half covers public-key cryptography, beginning with a self-contained introduction to the number theory needed to understand the RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and El Gamal cryptosystems (and others), and adds coverage of post-quantum cryptograpy to this edition.
Jonathan Katz is Director, Maryland Cybersecurity Center and Professor, Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Maryland. He is the co-author with Yehuda Lindell of Introdution to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition, published by CRC Press.Vadim
Yehuda Lindell is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University where he conducts research on cryptography with a focus on the theory of secure computation and its application in practice. Lindell received a Raviv Fellowship[1] and spent two years at IBM's cryptography research group at the T.J. Watson Research Center.