Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning

Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning

作者: Ian Pointer
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2019-10-15
ISBN-13: 9781492045359
ISBN-10: 1492045357
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 200 頁


Deep learning is changing everything. This machine-learning method has already surpassed traditional computer vision techniques, and the same is happening with NLP. If you're looking to bring deep learning into your domain, this practical book will bring you up to speed on key concepts using Facebook's PyTorch framework.
Once author Ian Pointer helps you set up PyTorch on a cloud-based environment, you'll learn how use the framework to create neural architectures for performing operations on images, sound, text, and other types of data. By the end of the book, you'll be able to create neural networks and train them on multiple types of data.

Learn how to deploy deep learning models to production
Explore PyTorch use cases in companies other than Facebook
Learn how to apply transfer learning to images
Apply cutting-edge NLP techniques using a model trained on Wikipedia


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