Microsoft Excel 2019 Step by Step

Microsoft Excel 2019 Step by Step

作者: Curtis Frye
出版社: MicroSoft
出版在: 2018-12-07
ISBN-13: 9781509307678
ISBN-10: 1509307672
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 480 頁


The quick way to learn Microsoft Excel 2019!
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Excel 2019. Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and detailed screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.  

Quickly set up workbooks, enter data, and format it for easier viewing
Perform calculations and find and correct errors
Create sophisticated forecast worksheets, key performance indicators (KPIs), and timelines
Visualize data with 3D maps, funnel charts, and other powerful tools 
Import, process, summarize, and analyze huge datasets with Excel’s improved PowerPivot and Power Query
Build powerful data models and use them in business intelligence 
Look up just the tasks and lessons you need


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