Conversational AI: Chatbots That Work

Conversational AI: Chatbots That Work

作者: Freed Andrew
出版社: Manning
出版在: 2021-10-12
ISBN-13: 9781617298837
ISBN-10: 1617298832
裝訂格式: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
總頁數: 320 頁


Conversational AI is a hands-on guide to building custom virtual assistants for a wide variety of use cases. Design, develop, and deploy human-like AI solutions that chat with your customers, solve their problems, and streamline your support services. Conversational AI: Chatbots that work teaches you to create the kind of AI-enabled chatbots that are revolutionizing the customer service industry. Conversational AI is a hands-on guide to building custom virtual assistants for a wide variety of use cases. You'll dive right into developing an assistant capable of identifying top user requests and making a suitable response for each request type. Once you've got the basics, you'll master a multi-step process flow that can be easily adapted for both text and voice assistants. You'll learn how to hone your assistant by writing better dialog, training and improving its underlying machine learning, and spotting issues like abandonment and underperformance. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


Andrew R. Freed is a Master Inventor and Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM. He's the co-host of the AI Zen podcast. Andrew has extensive experience deploying high-volume virtual assistants and has been working in AI solutions since 2012.


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