UML: A Beginner's Guide (Paperback)

UML: A Beginner's Guide (Paperback)

作者: Jason T. Roff
出版社: McGraw-Hill Education
出版在: 2003-01-09
ISBN-13: 9780072224603
ISBN-10: 0072224606
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 336 頁


Essential Skills--Made Easy!
With this learning tool, you can read, model, and use the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) for software design, analysis, and development. Follow the proven
Beginners Guide pedagogy and learn to graphically represent your software ideas
in order to create a well-structured and more stable product. Discover use-case
diagrams and object-oriented concepts in the design and analysis of your
software. Reduce development time by creating proper design and architectural
documents. Understand activity, sequence, and class diagrams, and check system
architecture with integration diagrams. Whether you are a programmer, engineer,
software developer, software architect, or computer science student, start using
UML today with help from this essential learning guide.
Designed for Easy Learning:

Modules--Each concept is divided into logically organized modules
(chapters), ideal for self-paced learning
Critical Skills--Each module opens with the specific skills covered
in the module
Mastery Checks--End-of-module reviews test knowledge using
short-answer, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions
Ask the Experts--Q&A sections throughout are filled with bonus
information and helpful tips
Progress Checks--Quick self-assessment sections check your progress

Projects--Practical exercises show how to apply the critical skills
learned in each module
    1: UML Fundamentals    2:
Use Case Diagrams    3: Introduction to Object-Oriented
Design    4: Workflow Modeling with Activity
Diagrams    5: Modeling Behavior with Sequence
Diagrams    6: Defining Domain Models Using Class
Diagrams    7: Collaboration Diagrams   
8: Further Explanation of Class Diagrams    9: Further
Explanation of Sequence Diagramming    10: Modeling
Behavior with Statechart Diagrams    11: Architecting with
Implementation Diagrams    12: Using the Object Constraint
Language    A: Answers to Mastery



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