Bridging UX and Web Development: Better Results through Team Integration (Paperback)

Bridging UX and Web Development: Better Results through Team Integration (Paperback)

作者: Jack Moffett
出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
出版在: 2014-07-28
ISBN-13: 9780124202450
ISBN-10: 0124202454
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 224 頁


The divide between UX and Web development can be stifling. Bridging UX and Web Development prepares you to break down those walls by teaching you how to integrate with your team's developers. You examine the process from their perspective, discovering tools and coding principles that will help you bridge the gap between design and implementation. With these tried and true approaches, you'll be able to capitalize on a more productive work environment. Whether you're a novice UX professional finding your place in the software industry and looking to nail down your technical skills, or a seasoned UI designer looking for practical information on how to integrate your team with development, this is the must-have resource for your UX library.Establish a collaboration lifecycle, mapping design activities to counterparts in the software development processLearn about software tools that will improve productivity and collaborationWork through step-by-step exercises that teach font-end coding principles to improve your prototyping and implementation activitiesDiscover practical, usable HTML and CSS examplesUncover tips for working with various developer personas


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