The Verilog Hardware Description Language, 5/e (Hardcover)

The Verilog Hardware Description Language, 5/e (Hardcover)

作者: Donald E. Thomas Philip R. Moorby
出版社: Kluwer Academic Publ
出版在: 2002-06-30
ISBN-13: 9781402070891
ISBN-10: 1402070896
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 382 頁


Thomas & Moorby's The Verilog® Hardware
Description Language has become the standard reference text for Verilog.
This edition presents the new IEEE 1364-2001 standard of the language. The
examples have all been updated to illustrate the new features of the language. A
cross referenced guide to the new and old features is provided. Thus, designers
already familiar with Verilog can quickly learn the new features. Newcomers to
the language can use it as a guide for reading "old"
specifications.The Verilog® Hardware Description Language, Fifth
Edition, is a valuable resource for engineers and students interested in
describing, simulating, and synthesizing digital systems; the extensive number
of simulatable examples and wide range of representation styles covered insure
its quick use in design. The book is also ready for use in university
courses, having been used for introductory logic design and simulation through
advanced VLSI design courses. An appendix with tutorial help and a work-along
style is keyed into the introduction for new students. Material supporting a
computer-aided design course on the inner working of simulators is also
From the Old to the New. Acknowledgments.

  1. Verilog – A Tutorial Introduction.

  2. Logic Synthesis.

  3. Behavioral Modeling.
  4. Concurrent Processes.
  5. Module Hierarchy. 
  6. Logic Level Modeling.
  7. Cycle-Accurate Specification.
  8. Advanced Timing.
  9. User-Defined Primitives.
  10. Switch Level Modeling.
  11. Projects. Appendix A: Tutorial
    Questions and Discussion. Appendix B: Lexical Conventions. Appendix
    C: Verilog Operators. Appendix D: Verilog Gate Types. Appendix
    E: Registers, Memories, Integers, and Time 328. Appendix F: System
    Tasks and Functions. Appendix G: Formal Syntax Definition.


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