Managing Electronic Media: Making, Marketing, and Moving Digital Content (Paperback)

Managing Electronic Media: Making, Marketing, and Moving Digital Content (Paperback)

作者: Joan Van Tassel Lisa Poe-Howfield
出版社: Focal Press
出版在: 2010-03-03
ISBN-13: 9780240810201
ISBN-10: 0240810201
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 432 頁


Managing Electronic Media recognizes the changes in technology in the global marketplace and the impact these innovations have on media organizations and their integral business practices. It goes beyond the typical media management book by covering media enterprises as large scale businesses that must operate in a converged environment, rather than in separate silos of activity. Managing Electronic Media lays the groundwork for understanding and participating in digital content creation, marketing, and distribution. It provides the concepts and vocabulary that managers use to meet the challenges of today's market and to position their organizations to succeed in a relentlessly dynamic 24/7 business environment. Day in the Life sections highlight the daily activities of top media executives, providing insight into the excitement, the fun, and the challenges, of careers in today's media industries. Case studies utilize exercises to promote further understanding of real-world situations. Arm yourself with the tools to succeed in content-producing organizations--a growing industrial sector that brings in more revenue to the U.S. than any other industry Understand contemporary media management as it is really practiced* Learn how managers plan, produce, and profit from high-value content


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