新TOEIC必考單字600-中文修訂版 (附MP3 BARRON’S 第五版)

新TOEIC必考單字600-中文修訂版 (附MP3 BARRON’S 第五版)

作者: Dr. Lin Lougheed 陳珮馨 譯 (林子鈺 徐一巧編)
出版社: 笛藤
出版在: 2016-05-17
ISBN-13: 9789577106612
ISBN-10: 9577106617
總頁數: 448 頁


BARRON’S Essential Words for the TOEIC (5th edition) ● 對應新TOEIC題型 ● 50個常出情境.最重要的600單字 ● 商務、產業、溝通、人文、旅行等領域 ● 美、加、英、澳四國口音,更有臨場感 ● PART1~4聽力與PART7閱讀部份中文翻譯
本書精選新TOEIC 最基本也最常用的600單字。
全書依照主題分成50個單元,內容涉獵商務、產業、溝通、人文、旅行等領域。每個單元會介紹12個單字,每個單字皆提供解釋、單字族群辨析以及例句,有助於讀者增加學習的深度及廣度。每5個單元之後,還有WORD REVIEW小測驗,讓你逐步累積英語實力。
Introduction What the Book Is About (關於本書) v How to Use This Book (本書使用方法) v Strategies to Improve Your Vocabulary (增進字彙的策略) vi Strategies to Practice Your Vocabulary(練習字彙的策略) xiv
Lessons 1-5 General Business (一般商務) 1. Contracts (合約) 1 2. Marketing (行銷) 7 3. Warranties (保固) 13 4. Business Planning (商務規劃) 19 5. Conferences (會議) 25 Word Review #1 31
Lessons 6-10 Office Issues (辦公室) 6. Computers and the Internet (電腦與網路) 35 7. Office Technology (辦公室科技) 41 8. Office Procedures (辦公程序) 47 9. Electronics (電子產品) 53 10. Correspondence (通信) 59 Word Review #2 65
Lesson 11-15 Personnel (人事) 11. Job Advertising and Recruiting (求才廣告與徵才) 69 12. Applying and Interviewing (應徵與面試) 75 13. Hiring and Training (僱用與訓練) 81 14. Salaries and Benefits (薪資與福利) 87 15. Promotions, Pensions, and Awards (晉升、退休金與獎勵) 93 Word Review #3 99
Lesson 16-20 Purchasing (採購) 16. Shopping (購物) 103 17. Ordering Supplies (訂購耗材) 109 18. Shipping (貨運) 115 19. Invoices (發票) 121 20. Inventory (存貨盤點) 127 Word Review #4 133
Lesson 21-25 Financing and Budgeting (財務與預算) 21. Banking (銀行業務) 137 22. Accounting (會計) 143 23. Investments (投資) 149 24. Taxes (稅務) 155 25. Financial Statements (財務報表) 161 Word Review #5 167
Lesson 26-30 Management Issues (經營管理) 26. Property and Departments (資產與部門) 171 27. Board Meetings and Committees (董事會議與委員會) 177 28. Quality Control (品質控管) 183 29. Product Development (產品研發) 189 30. Renting and Leasing (租用與出租) 195 Word Review #6 201
Lesson 31-35 Restaurants and Events (餐廳與活動) 31. Selecting a Restaurant (選擇餐廳) 205 32. Eating Out (在外用餐) 211 33. Ordering Lunch (訂午餐) 217 34. Cooking as a Career (以烹飪為業) 223 35. Events (特別活動) 229 Word Review #7 235
Lesson 36-40 Travel (旅行) 36. General Travel (一般旅行) 239 37. Airlines (航空) 245 38. Trains (火車) 251 39. Hotels (飯店) 257 40. Car Rentals (租車) 263 Word Review #8 269
Lesson 41-45 Entertainment (娛樂) 41. Movies (電影) 273 42. Theater (戲劇) 279 43. Music (音樂) 285 44. Museums (博物館) 291 45. Media (媒體) 297 Word Review #9 303
Lesson 46-50 Health (健康) 46. Doctor’s Office (看醫生) 307 47. Dentist’s Office (看牙醫) 313 48. Health Insurance (健康保險) 319 49. Hospitals (醫院) 325 50. Pharmacy (藥房) 331 Word Review #10 337
Answer Key 341 Word Index 347 Appendix: Audioscripts for the Listening Comprehension Exercises 351 附錄:聽力中文翻譯 385 附錄:閱讀中文翻譯 403


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