III-V Compound Semiconductors and Devices: An Introduction to Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Historical Perspective
1.2 Future outlooks
Chapter 2. Atomic bonding and crystal structure
2.1 Crystal structures and symmetry
2.2 Ionic bond and inter-atomic forces
2.3 Covalent bond and sp3 hybrid orbit
2.4 Major semiconductor crystal structures
2.5 Reciprocal lattice, diffraction condition, and Brillouin zone
Chapter 3. Electronic band structures of solids
3.1 Free electron theory and density of states
3.2 Periodic crystal structures and Bloch's theorem
3.3 Nearly free-electron approximation and energy gap
3.4 The Kronig-Penney model
3.5 Effective mass
3.6 Band structures of common semiconductors
Chapter 4. Compound semiconductor crystals
4.1 Structural properties
4.2 Electrical properties
4.3 Free carrier concentration and Fermi integral
4.4 Surface states in compound semiconductors
4.5 III-V compound semiconductors
4.6 III-N and dilute III-V-N compound semiconductors
Chapter 5. Material technologies
5.1 Growth of bulk crystals
5.2 Epitaxy
5.3 Liquid phase epitaxy
5.4 Vapor phase epitaxy
5.5 Molecular beam epitaxy
Chapter 6. Heterostructure fundamentals
6.1 Energy band alignment
6.2 Strained layer structures
6.3 Strain effect on band-edge energies
6.4 Band-edge energies in strained ternary and quaternary alloys
6.5 Stained nitrides with wurtzite crystal structure
6.6 Construction of heterostructure band diagrams
Chapter 7. Electrical properties of compound semic
Keh-Yung Norman Cheng received his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in 1975 and currently is the Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the National Tsing Hua University. In 1979-81 he was a member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Since 1987 he was a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He became an emeritus professor in August 2010 and joined the Electrical Engineering Department of the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. His special fields of interest are molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), compound semiconductor optoelectronic, and nanostructure device technologies. He has authored or coauthored over 400 journal and conference papers, and two book chapters. He is a Fellow of IEEE and AAAS, and a recipient of the 2007 MBE Innovator Award.