Database Programming with Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET: Tips, Tutorials, and Co
The topic combination of VB .NET and ADO.NET is unbeatable. VB .NET is the
most popular language in which to code. And, every developer needs to understand
ADO.NET to allow data to be accessed from a Web site. In this book Developers
will be shown numerouse code examples that will illustr4ate how to program
database driven applications within the .NET Framework. The book is aimed at
both established and new VB Developers. Important topics covered include: Visual
Studio development environment, ASP.NET applications, Windows Forms application,
using VB .NET with ADO.NET, complex queries, security, COM interop., and
application deployment.
Table of Contents
Introduction. 1. Developing Windows Forms Using Bound
Controls. 2. Creating SQL Server Database Objects from Visual Studio
.NET. 3. Viewing Data with ADO.NET. 4. Manipulating Data with ADO.NET.
- Working with Data in Web Forms. 6. Creating Transact-SQL Commands.
- Performing Common Database Tasks Using SQL-DMO. 8. Taking Advantage
of Data-Driven Techniques. 9. Using Classes with Databases to Make Life
Easier. 10. Creating Reports Using Crystal Reports. 11. Managing SQL
Server Security. 12. Utilizing XML Data in Your Visual Basic .NET
Applications. 13. Creating XML Web Services. Appendix A. Desktop
Development with ADO. Index.