Office 2013 Library Excel 2013 Bible, Access 2013 Bible, PowerPoint 2013 Bible, Word 2013 Bible (Paperback)

Office 2013 Library Excel 2013 Bible, Access 2013 Bible, PowerPoint 2013 Bible, Word 2013 Bible (Paperback)

作者: Lisa A. Bucki
出版社: Sybex
出版在: 2013-06-10
ISBN-13: 9781118522943
ISBN-10: 111852294X
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 4248 頁


An indispensible collection of Office 2013 BiblesEager to delve into the new suite of Office 2013 applications? Look no further than this spectacular collection of four invaluable resources that boast nearly 5,000 pages and cover the core Office programs: Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Word. The world's leading experts of these applications provide you with an arsenal of information on the latest version of each program. The CDs that are included feature bonus material, including helpful templates, worksheets, examples, and more to enhance your Microsoft Office 2013 experiences. Features four essential books on the most popular applications included in the Office 2013 suite: Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Word Excel 2013 Bible - serves as an essential reference for Excel users, no matter your level of expertise, and updates you on the latest Excel tips, tricks, and techniques Access 2013 Bible - offers a detailed introduction to database fundamentals and terminology PowerPoint 2013 Bible - shows you how to use the newest features and make successful presentations Word 2013 Bible - begins with a detailed look at all the latest features and then cover more advanced, intricate topics Look no further than Office 2013 Library for the most thorough coverage on every aspect of the Office 2013 suite!


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