Data Science Tools: R - Excel - Knime - Openoffice

Data Science Tools: R - Excel - Knime - Openoffice

作者: Greco Christopher
出版社: Mercury Learning & Information
出版在: 2020-05-18
ISBN-13: 9781683925835
ISBN-10: 1683925831
裝訂格式: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
總頁數: 206 頁


In the world of data science there are myriad tools available to analyze data. This book describes some of the popular software application tools along with the processes for downloading and using them in the most optimum fashion. The content includes data analysis using Microsoft Excel, KNIME, R, and OpenOffice (Spreadsheet). Each of these tools will be used to apply statistical concepts including confidence intervals, normal distribution, T-Tests, linear regression, histograms, and geographic analysis using real data from Federal Government sources. Features: Analyzes data using popular applications such as Excel, R, KNIME, and OpenOfficeCovers statistical concepts including confidence intervals, normal distribution, T-Tests, linear regression, histograms, and geographic analysisCapstone exercises analyze data using the different software packages



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