Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems
In today’s fast paced, infocentric environment, professionals increasingly
rely on networked information technology to do business. Unfortunately, with
the advent of such technology came new and complex problems that continue to
threaten the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of our electronic
information. It is therefore absolutely imperative to take measures to protect
and defend information systems by ensuring their security and non-repudiation.
Information Assurance skillfully addresses this issue by detailing the
sufficient capacity networked systems need to operate while under attack, and
itemizing failsafe design features such as alarms, restoration protocols, and
management configurations to detect problems and automatically diagnose and
respond. Moreover, this volume is unique in providing comprehensive coverage
of both state-of-the-art survivability and security techniques, and the manner
in which these two components interact to build robust Information Assurance
Table of Contents
PART I: SECURITY TECHNIQUES-- Security Services for Networks and Systems;
Prevention and Protection I: Cryptographic Techniques; Prevention and
Protection II: Cryptographic Protocols; Prevention and Protection III:
Perimeter and System Security; Detection, Response and Assessment; PART II:
SURVIVABILITY TECHNIQUES-- Availability and Survivability; Network
Survivability; Survivability and Network Management; End System and
SURVIVABILITY-- Models and Techniques for Secure and Survivable Systems;
Design and Architectural Issues for Secure and Survivable Systems; Security
and Survivability of Emerging Systems;