Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban

Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban

作者: Andrew Stellman Jennifer Greene
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: 2014-11-30
ISBN-13: 9781449331924
ISBN-10: 1449331920
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 420 頁


Agile has revolutionized the way teams approach software development, but with dozens of agile methodologies to choose from, the decision to "go agile" can be tricky. This practical book helps you sort it out, first by grounding you in agile’s underlying principles, then by describing four specific—and well-used—agile methods: Scrum, extreme programming (XP), Lean, and Kanban.
Each method focuses on a different area of development, but they all aim to change your team’s mindset—from individuals who simply follow a plan to a cohesive group that makes decisions together. Whether you’re considering agile for the first time, or trying it again, you’ll learn how to choose a method that best fits your team and your company.

Understand the purpose behind agile’s core values and principles
Learn Scrum’s emphasis on project management, self-organization, and collective commitment
Focus on software design and architecture with XP practices such as test-first and pair programming
Use Lean thinking to empower your team, eliminate waste, and deliver software fast
Learn how Kanban’s practices help you deliver great software by managing flow
Adopt agile practices and principles with an agile coach


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