Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design (Hardcover)

Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design (Hardcover)

作者: Tom Eslinger
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2014-02-07
ISBN-13: 9781118828427
ISBN-10: 1118828429
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 256 頁


A real-world guide to mobile marketing from the head of digital initiatives at Saatchi & Saatchi worldwideThe future of marketing is mobile, with seventy-five percent of the world's population having access to a mobile phone and the average American spending 82 minutes per day using her phone for activities other than talking. To traditional marketers unfamiliar with the special challenges of mobile marketing, this territory feels complicated and even frightening. Mobile Magic provides a bird's-eye view of the process of creating great mobile marketing from one of the world's most experienced and successful practitioners.


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