Introducing HTML5, 2/e (Paperback)

Introducing HTML5, 2/e (Paperback)

作者: Bruce Lawson Remy Sharp
出版社: New Riders
出版在: 2011-10-28
ISBN-13: 9780321784421
ISBN-10: 0321784421
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 312 頁


HTML5 continues to evolve, browsers are implementating at break-neck speed and HTML5 web sites spring up like flowers after rain. More than ever, you need to get acquainted with the powerful new possibilities in web and application design. That’s why we’ve crafted a second edition of this book to help you stay on top of current developments.   This book shows you how to start adapting the language now to realize its benefits on today’s browsers. It concentrates on the practical—the problems HTML5 can solve for you right away. By following the book’s hands-on HTML5 code examples you’ll learn about: - new semantics and structures to help your site become richer and more accessible - applying the most important JavaScript APIs that are already implemented - using and controlling native multimedia - how to build more intelligent web forms - implementing new storage options and web databases, including both WebSQL and IndexedDB - how geolocation works with HTML5 in both web and mobile applications   And this new edition adds: - even more detail on canvas, geolocation and offline storage options - a peek around the corner for audio and video’s new element, subtitling formats, in-browser web conference - browser history controls to make applications more usable and bookmarkable - ways to use HTML5 now in older browsers


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