Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Links: Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Ionospheric

Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Links: Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Ionospheric

作者: Nathan Blaunstein Christos Christodoulou
出版社: Wiley
出版在: 2006-10-20
ISBN-13: 9780471251217
ISBN-10: 0471251216
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 614 頁



Antennas and Propogation for
Wireless Communication covers the basics of wireless communication system
design with emphasis on antennas and propagation. It contains information on
antenna fundamentals and the latest developments in smart antennas, as well as
the radiation effects of hand-held devices.
Antennas and Propogation for Wireless
Communication provides a complete discussion of all the topics important to
the design of wireless communication systems. Written by acknowledged
authorities in their respective fields, the book deals with practical
applications and presents real world examples. A solutions manual for college
adopters accompanies the text. Ideal for engineers working in communication,
antennas, and propagation for telecomm, military, and aerospace applications,
as well as students of electrical engineering, this book covers all topics
needed for a complete system design.
Table of

Chapter One: Fundamentals of Radio Communications.
1.1. Radio Communication Link.
1.2. Frequency Band for Radio Communications.
1.3. Noise in Radio Communication Links.
1.4. Main Propagation Characteristics.
1.5. Problems in Adaptive Antennas Application.
Chapter Two: Antenna Fundamentals.
2.1. Radiation Pattern.
2.2. Field Regions of an Antenna.
2.3. Radiation Intensity.
2.4. Directivity and Gain.
2.5. Polarization.
2.6. Terminal Antennas in Free Space.
2.7. Antenna Types.
Chapter Three: Fundamentals of Wave Propagation in Random Media.
3.1. Main Wave Equations and Random Functions.
3.2. The Perturbation Method for Multiple Scattering.
The Mean Perturbed Propagator.
The Mean Double Propagator.
Mass Operator and Dyson Equation.
3.3. An Exact Solution of 1D-Equation.
3.4. Approximations of the Perturbation Method.
3.5. Random Taylor Expansion at Short Wavelengths.
3.6. An Exact Solution of the Scalar Wave Equation.
Approximate Evaluations of the Functional Integral (3.137).
3.7. The Electromagnetic Wave Equation.
3.8. Propagation in Statistically Inhomogeneous Media.
3.9. Propagation in Homogeneous Anisotropic Media.
Chapter Four: Electromagnetic Aspects of Wave Propagation over Terrain.
4.1. Waves Propagation in Free Space.
4.2. Path Loss in Free Space.
4.3. Radio Propagation Above Flat Terrain.
4.4. Propagation Above Rough Terrain Under LOS Conditions.
4.5. Propagation Above a Smooth Curved Terrain.
4.6. Effect of a Single Obstacle Placed on a Flat Terrain.
Chapter Five: Terrestrial Radio Communications..
5.1. Characterization of the Terrain.
5.2. Propagation Scenarios in Terrestrial Communication Links.
5.3. Propagation over a Flat Terrain in LOS Conditions.
5.4. Propagation over a Hilly Terrain in NLOS Conditions.
5.5. Effect of a Building on the Radio Propagation Channel.
5.6. Propagation in Rural Forest
5.6.1. A Model of Multiple Scattering in a Forested Area.
5.6.2. Comparison with Other Models.
5.7. Propagation in Mixed Residential Areas.
5.8. Propagation in Urban Environments.
Chapter Six: Effects of the Troposphere on Radio Propagation.
6.1. Main Propagation Effects of the Troposphere as a Spherical Layered
Gaseous Continuum.
6.2. Effects of the Hydrometeors on Radio Propagation in the Troposphere.
6.3. Effects of Tropospheric Turbulences on Radio Propagation.
6.4. Link Budget Design for Tropospheric Communication Links.
Chapter Seven: Ionospheric Radio Propagation.
7.1. Main Ionospheric Effects on Radio Propagation.
7.2. Effects of the Inhomogeneous Ionosphere on Radio Propagation.
7.3. Back and Forward Scattering of Radio Waves by Small-Scale Ionospheric
Chapter Eight: Indoor Radio Propagation.
8.1. Main Propagation Processes and Characteristics.
8.2. Modeling of Loss Characteristics in Various Indoor Environments.
8.3. Link Budget Design Verification by Experimental Data.
Chapter Nine: Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Networks.
9.1. Antenna Arrays.
9.2. Beamforming Techniques.
9.3. Adaptive Antenna for Wireless Communication Applications.
9.4. Network Performance Improvement Using an Antenna Array.
Chapter Ten: Prediction of Signal Distribution in Space, Time and Frequency
Domains in Radio Channels for Adaptive Antenna Applications.
10.1. Predicting Models for Indoor Communication Channels.
10.2. Predicting Models for Outdoor Communication Channels.
10.3. Experimental Verification of Signal Power Distribution in Azimuth,
Elevation, and Time Delay Domains.
10.4. Signal Power Spectra Distribution in Frequency Shift Domain.
Chapter Eleven: Multipath Fading Phenomena in Land Wireless Links.
11.1. Prediction of Loss Characteristics for Land Radio Links.
11.2. Link Budget Design for Various Land Environments.
11.3. Characterization of Multipath Radio Channel by Rician Factor.
11.4. Main Algorithm of Radio Coverage (Radio Map) Design.
Chapter Twelve: Cellular Communication Networks Design Based on Radio
Propagation Phenomena.
12.1. Grade of Service (GOS) Design Operating in Multipath Fading
12.2. Propagation Aspects of Cell Planning.
12.3. Prediction of Parameters of Information Data Stream.
Channel Capacity and Spectral Efficiency.
Relations Between Main Parameters.
Chapter Thirteen: Prediction of Operational Characteristics of Adaptive
13.1. Experimental Verification of Signal Distribution in Azimuth, Time
Delay, and Doppler Shift Domains.
13.2. Prediction of Adaptive Antenna Characteristics Based on Unified
Stochastic Approach.
Chapter Fourteen: Land–Satellite Communication Links.
14.1. Objective.
14.2. Type of Signals in Land–Satellite Communication Links.
14.3. Statistical Models.
14.4. Physical–Statistical Models.
14.5. The Unified Algorithm for Fading Phenomena Prediction.
14.6. Mega-Cell Concept for Land Satellite Communication Links.
14.7. ‘‘Mega-Cell’’ Global Networks Design.


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