VLSI-Design of Non-Volatile Memories (Hardcover)

VLSI-Design of Non-Volatile Memories (Hardcover)

作者: Giovanni Campardo Rino Micheloni David Novosel R. Micheloni Daniel Novosel
出版社: Demos Medical Publis
出版在: 2005-01-18
ISBN-13: 9783540201984
ISBN-10: 354020198X
裝訂格式: Hardcover
總頁數: 740 頁



VLSI-Design for Non-Volatile
Memories is intended for electrical engineers and graduate students
who want to enter into the integrated circuit design world. Non-volatile
memories are treated as an example to explain general design concepts.
Practical illustrative examples of non-volatile memories, including flash
types, are showcased to give insightful examples of the discussed design
approaches. A collection of photos is included to make the reader familiar
with silicon aspects. Throughout all parts of this book, the authors have
taken a practical and applications-driven point of view, providing a
comprehensive and easily understood approach to all the concepts discussed.
Giovanni Campardo and Rino Micheloni have a solid track record of leading
design activities at the STMicroelectronics Flash Division. David Novosel is
President and founder of Intelligent Micro Design, Inc., Pittsburg,


Circuit Cellar 嵌入式科技 國際中文版 Issue 11

作者 Circuit Cellar



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