Modern JavaScript Applications

Modern JavaScript Applications

作者: Narayan Prusty
出版社: Packt Publishing
出版在: 2016-07-21
ISBN-13: 9781785881442
ISBN-10: 1785881442
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 330 頁


Key Features

Explore the new features of ECMAScript 6 and how they can be incorporated to build cutting edge web applications
Learn about modern web architectures and build real-world apps on top of them
Make use of modern JavaScript tools, techniques and frameworks to enhance your web development skills

Book Description
Over the years, JavaScript has taken significant strides in the world of modern web development to enhance the development of a wide range of applications with different architectures. This book explores the advanced and new features that have arrived in JavaScript and how they can be applied to develop high-quality applications with different architectures.
The book begins by covering a single page application that builds on the innovative MVC approach using AngularJS. As we move forward, the book shows you how to develop an enterprise-level application with the microservices architecture, using Node to build web services. We then focus on network programming concepts and you’ll build a real-time web application with websockets.
When you’ve gained a solid grip on the different architectures, we’ll move on to the area where JavaScript shines, that is, UI development. You’ll learn to build responsive, declarative UIs with React and Bootstrap. As we near the end of this book, you’ll see how the performance of web applications can be enhanced using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Along the way, the book also explores how the power of JavaScript can be increased multi-fold.
After reading this book, you will have a solid knowledge of the latest JavaScript techniques, tools, and architecture to build modern web apps.
What you will learn

Learn to create single page websites
Gain expertise in responsive and dynamic website design
Enable Real-time communications between client-client and client-server/server-client
Create APIs for large-scale applications
Write complete applications using functional reactive programming

About the Author
Narayan Prusty is a full-stack developer. He works as a consultant for various startups around the world. He has worked on various technologies and programming languages but is very passionate about JavaScript, WordPress, Ethereum, Solr, React, Cordova, MongoDB, and AWS.
Apart from consulting for various startups, he also runs a blog titled QNimate ( and a video-tutorial site titled QScutter (http://qscutter. com), where he shares information about a lot of the technologies he works on. Previously, he wrote a book titled Learning ECMAScript 6, which was published by Packt Publishing.
You can reach Narayan on LinkedIn (
Table of Contents

Breaking into Microservices Architecture
Building a Coupon Site
Communication between Browsers in Real Time
Building a Chatroulette
Bidirectional Communication in Real Time
Building a Live Score Site
Functional Reactive Programming
Building an Advanced Profile Search Widget
New Features of Bootstrap 4
Building User Interfaces Using React
Building an RSS Reader Using React and Flux
New Features of Angular 2
Building a Search Engine Template Using AngularJS 2
Securing and Scaling Node.js Applications



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