Upgrading to PHP 5

Upgrading to PHP 5

作者: Adam Trachtenberg
出版社: O'Reilly
出版在: None
ISBN-13: 9780596006365
ISBN-10: 0596006365
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 352 頁



If you're using PHP 4, then chances are good that an upgrade to PHP 5 is in
your future. The more you've heard about the exciting new features in PHP 5,
the sooner that upgrade is probably going to be. Although an in-depth,
soup-to-nuts reference guide to the language is good to have on hand, it's not
the book an experienced PHP programmer needs to get started with the latest
release. What you need is a lean and focused guide that answers your most
pressing questions: what's new with the technology, what's different, and how
do I make the best use of it? In other words, you need a copy of Upgrading
to PHP 5. This book is targeted toward PHP developers who are
already familiar with PHP 4. Rather than serve as a definitive guide to the
entire language, the book zeroes in on PHP 5's new features, and covers these
features definitively. You'll find a concise appraisal of the differences
between PHP 4 and PHP 5, a detailed look at what's new in this latest version,
and you'll see how PHP 5 improves on PHP 4 code. See PHP 4 and PHP 5 code
side-by-side, to learn how the new features make it easier to solve common PHP
problems. Each new feature is shown in code, helping you understand why it's
there, when to use it, and how it's better than PHP 4. Short, sample programs
are included throughout the book. Topics covered in Upgrading to
PHP 5 include:

The new set of robust object-oriented programming features
An improved MySQL extension, supporting MySQL 4.1, prepared statements,
and bound parameters
Completely rewritten support for XML: DOM, XSLT, SAX, and SimpleXML
Easy web services with SOAP
SQLite, an embedded database library bundled with PHP 5
Cleaner error handling with exceptions
Other new language features, such as iterators, streams, and
Upgrading to PHP 5 won't make you wade through information
you've covered before. Written by Adam Trachtenberg, coauthor of the popular
PHP Cookbook, this book will take you straight into the heart of all
that's new in PHP 5. By the time you've finished, you'll know PHP 5 in
practice as well as in theory.
Table of Contents:


  1. Introduction      Why PHP 5?  
       What's New in PHP 5?      Installing and
    Configuring PHP 5
  2. Object-Oriented Programming      What Is
    Object-Oriented Programming?      Memory Management
         Basic Classes      Class
    Intermediates      Inheritance    
     Magical Methods
  3. MySQL      Installing and Configuring
         Procedural Interface      Before
    and After: Connecting to the Database Server    
     Object-Oriented Interface      Before and After:
    Querying and Retrieving Data with Prepared Statements    
     Before and After: Subselects      Transactions
         Before and After: Making Multiple Queries
         Securing Connections with SSL  
       Porting Code and Migrating Databases
  4. SQLite      SQLite Basics    
     Alternate SQLite Result Types    
     Object-Oriented Interface      Indexes, Error
    Handling, and In-Memory Tables      Transactions
         User-Defined Functions
  5. XML      XML Extensions in PHP 5  
       Installing XML and XSLT Support      DOM
         SimpleXML      Converting
    Between SimpleXML and DOM Objects      Before and
    After: Reading XML into a Tree      Before and After:
    Searching XML with XPath      Reading XML as Events
    with SAX      Before and After: Creating New XML
    Documents      Before and After: Transforming XML with
    XSLT      Validating Against a Schema
  6. Iterators and SPL      Before and After: Using
    Iterators      Implementing the Iterator Interface
         MySQL Query Iterator    
     Chaining Iterators      SimpleXML Iterator
         Before and After: Recursive Directory Iteration
         Implementing the RecursiveIterator Interface
         Array and Object Property Iteration
         Redefining Class Iteration    
     Iterator and SPL Classes and Interfaces
  7. Error Handling and Debugging      Before and
    After: Handling Errors      The Benefits of Exceptions
         System Exceptions    
     The Exception Class      User Exceptions
         Setting a Custom Exception Handler
         Processing Errors with a Custom Handler  
       Debugging Functions
  8. Streams, Wrappers, and Filters      Using the
    Streams API      Wrapper Overview  
       Wrapper Details      Creating Wrappers
         Filtering Streams    
     Creating Filters
  9. Other Extensions      SOAP    
     Tidy      Reflection
  10. PHP 5 in Action      Defining Your Database
    Schema      The Person Class    
     The addressBook Class      The Template Class
         Assembling the Application    
     Wrap-Up and Future Directions
    A. Introduction to XML
    B. Additional New Features and Minor Changes
    C. Installing PHP 5 Alongside PHP 4


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作者 尤嘉
