HTML5 Game Engines: App Development and Distribution (Paperback)

HTML5 Game Engines: App Development and Distribution (Paperback)

作者: Dan Nagle
出版社: A K Peters
出版在: 2014-04-30
ISBN-13: 9781466594005
ISBN-10: 1466594004
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 216 頁


Build and Distribute Your Game Using an HTML5 Game Engine
As mobile hardware improves, HTML5 is gradually being used for gaming apps and a growing industry of game engines has begun to support it. HTML5 Game Engines: App Development and Distribution presents an introduction to development with HTML5 game engines as well as an in-depth look at popular engines. Along with downloadable example projects for each engine, the book provides techniques for packaging and distributing the final app to all the major platforms.
Get Hands-On Guidance through Practical Techniques and Examples
The book is divided into three parts. The first one covers the essentials of HTML5, discusses development strategies and techniques, and takes you through a basic pong game running in the browser with no dependencies. The second part implements four games using the Crafty, EaselJS, Impact, and Turbulenz game engines. In the third part, the author describes how several of these games are distributed on platforms, such as the Chrome Web Store, Apple iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and Facebook.


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